Using XML in Oracle DB for Google Books

I demonstrate how to upload and extract information from an XML document that was exported from a Google Books bookshelf. Some data qaulity issues were detected with this bookshelf export. The final data model is a minor change from the model provided by Google Books: individual contributors are split out into a separate table; and the ISBN is used to identify books (where available).

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Handling Three-Value Logic

I have just finished reading Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals By Lex de Haan and Toon Koppelaars. I was struck by the discussion about nulls in Appendix D, especially about the inconsistent handling of NULLs between constraints and predicates in SQL (see p.344)

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NORDIC Schema for TopLink Demonstration (1)


This document details the SQL needed to establish the NORDIC schema in an Oracle XE database for the demonstration of the use of TopLink which is included in Oracle JDeveloper 11g (Build 5188). This SQL is based on the NORDIC series of articles on this blog.

Object views are used to replace object tables because TopLink cannot import Object Tables into the Offline database.
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PL/SQL Instrumentation using ILO

Fred has embarassed me by reminding me that I had introduced him to code instrumentation by using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package as he explains PL/SQL Instrumentation using ILO.

As people will have noted from my series on Nordic, I have not been using any code instrumentation at all. To remedy this, I am going to install the ILO package into the Oracle XE database.

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